Keira Langlands

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Keira Langlands

[[File:|thumbnail|center|Keira Langlands]]

Known Aliases
First Appearance
Vigilante Fallout: Chapter 100
Personal Details
Forenames Keira Marie
Birth Surname Blunt
Surname Langlands
Gender Female
Nationality British
Birth Place London, England
Birth Forsaken: 14th March 2000
Age Now 24 years, 4 months, 1 day
Physical Appearance
Complexion Caucasian
Build Tall, thin build
Hair Long, dirty blonde
Eyes Hazel
Further Information
Likeness Jenna Ortega

Urban Predator

Urban Predator
Intake First Intake
Date Taken 12th September, 2010
Age Taken Ten
Initial Phase 1
Final Phase 3
Codename Orion


  • Urban Predator Student - Phase 3
  • Goth style persona: Prefers to wear black mixed with black and at times maybe some extra black to contrast. Went through a phase of self-harm. Prefers not to kill - at least not directly; hence she trained as a sniper spotter. However, she is highly skilled at most forms of swordplay as well as varied martial arts.